Thursday, April 28, 2011

A short six months later.

Well it only took about six months to find my blog again, but here I am. My sweet Theo is almost 7 months old now. He is a fantastic little guy. Really. I am blessed beyond measure to be his mommy.  Parenthood has been hard, but very rewarding. It's difficult to work full time and take care of him when I get home.  It used to be hard to find "me" time.  We cancelled our dish service a couple of months ago and it has been the best decision. I've had time to rediscover my crafty side and I'm so happy I did.  Having a creative outlet is essential to my happiness.  So Theo can sit up and he claps his hands now. It's so sweet when he does this! He is such a good natured baby. He hardly ever fusses.  His first Easter was so much fun.  I got him a board Bible book among other things and he got to spend some time playing with cousin Rhys who is three months older.  I embroidered him an Easter onesie, which was my first every hand embroidery. I loved it and am now obsessed with embroidering.